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  • Your source for insider tips for greater well being of body, mind, spirit, emotions and relationships. Receive this free, bi-weekly newsletter and request a topic you'd like covered.
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  • is a free, independent online newsletter that welcomes requests for topics. We deliver truly integrative insider health tips for greater wellbeing, optimal wellness and a healthier life of body, mind, emotions, spirit and relationships. We draw from a wide variety of sources and healing disciplines to serve your greater well being.
  • About BetterHealthBytes.
  • More about Pamela Levin, R.N., T.S.T.A., founder and editor of BetterHealthBytes.
  • Articles with tips that support better health and greater well being of body, mind, spirit, emotions and relationships on a variety of topics.
  • In This Issue: What is REAL Health Care Reform? The FIRST Thing to Do To Keep Yourself Emotionally Healthy. Is This Hidden Infection Setting the Stage for Cancer in Your Body?
  • In this Issue: Break Your Stress Cycle with These Three Top Strategies. Revealing This Hidden Anxiety Cause Could Save Your Life. Don't Make This Biggest Emotional Health Mistake There Is.
  • This issue: How Healthy Are Your Hormones - for women, AND men. Plus, How Your Attitude Shapes Your Relationships
  • Your Emotional Self - Your Key to a Better Life; Your Health and Fitness Plan - Does It Contain This Essential Ingredient So Important to Your Success?; Ten Wierd Symptoms, One Root Cause
  • How to Feel More OK About Yourself, Your Emotional Development throughout Life, Your Vaccine Choices, Finding Out Your Legal Rights Regarding Vaccinations
  • Individuation, Assertiveness and Conficts, Informed Vaccine Choices, Other Ingredients Found in Some Vaccines, The Nature of The Life Process
  • Dietary Fat and Physical Symptoms: Nine Top Symptoms Caused by Low Dietary Fat Intake; Cholesterol and Your Health; Your Emotional Life - A Complementary Resource for You
  • Brain Care Basics: Brain Fog, Brain Cells and Alzheimer's, Your Emotional Health - An Easy-to Follow System for Improving your Emotional Health Is Now Underway..., A Starting Place to Reintegrate Your Emotional Life.
  • Brain Neuron Degeneration & Mercury: How Mercury Damages Your Brain Cells, Mercury Exposure Facts, How Do You Become Exposed to Mercury ?
  • The Flu: Decrease the Odds That You'll Succumb: Include These Four Essential Strategies in Your Prevention Plan, Flu Vulnerability Is Linked To Your Emotional Health - Your Emotional State Has Everything to do With Your Immune Functioning, Flu Vaccine Effectiveness/ Flu Vaccine Safety, What Approach Do Many Health Practitioners Use?
  • Taking Vitamin Supplements - The Sense and the Cents; The One Key Question You Must Ask in Choosing Your Vitamin Supplements - Learning to Answer This Question Could Save You Big Headaches - Literally!; Synthetic vs. Whole Food Vitamins - Here's How to Understand the Difference
  • Vitamin D - What You Need to Know. Learn the important facts covered here so you can make the best choices about whether and when to supplement. What is vitamin D? What does vitamin D do - why do we need it? What are low vitamin D symptoms? What are symptoms of high vitamin D? Which foods are good sources of vitamin D? Can You prevent the winter blues and seasonal depression (SAD) with vitamin D?
  • What is arthritis ? Do you have it? If so, find out which of these kinds, the better to address it effectively. My arthritis is not your arthritis: one symptom, many causes. Six of the top causes of joint inflammation described here.
  • Taking Vitamin Supplements - The Sense and the Cents; The One Key Question You Must Ask in Choosing Your Vitamin Supplements - Learning to Answer This Question Could Save You Big Headaches - Literally!; Synthetic vs. Whole Food Vitamins - Here's How to Understand the Difference
  • Adulthood - how Is this life passage designed? Learn this underlying pattern so you can use it to create a smooth and fulfilling grown-up life journey. What your grown-up life stages have to do with your parenting. Revealed: the basic elements of our adult life cycle. Special Focus: Who can you trust?
  • Special Issue on Chemical Toxicity. Your Chemical Body Burden - What You Don't Know Can Hurt You. Modern people have become living, breathing synthetic chemical experiments. Use the following nine essential steps to reduce your risk:
  • Not very long ago depression was thought to be 'all in your head' - whether due to emotional issues or some neurotransmitter imbalance like serotonin. But depression is an emotional symptom, not a cause. Here are twelve of the top physical causes of depression:
  • There is quite a difference between people who occasionally "lose it" and do hurtful things and those who behave hurtfully as a matter of course. These differences are important and require special life skills for identifying these people and for learning how to take care of yourself when encountering them.
  • When you have a bunch of symptoms and you can't seem to identify any cause, you might consider something that so tiny it's almost impossible to see, and that something is mold. An incredible variety of health problems - some of them seemingly unrelated - can have mucky mold at their root. So you can better understand what you're dealing with and what to do about it, here's a short review for you - common questions and important things to know.
  • Irritable from INSOMNIA? You're not alone... here's what you can do... Reverse sympathetic dominance, reduce /eliminate circulsting cortisol, keep sleep-promoting herbal supplements on hand.
  • Any substances or situation that make it difficult for your body to produce thyroxine will weaken your thyroid and lower its functioning. Each of these is possible to address effectively.
  • Weight loss can be a frustrating process. Without this essential mineral, weight loss can be near impossible to achieve. Here's what to do to find out if you have adequate stores, and if not, what to do about it.
  • Can porous bones really be caused by politics? Is there a link, and if so, what is it? Here are some answers to these questions along with essential information on standard medical treatments for porous bones (osteoporosis).
  • What is know so far about gentically modified foods ( gmo's)? Here are ten key facts you need to know about gentically modified foods. These were researched and compiled by the Label GMOs Grassroots Committee.
  • A new shingles vaccine is currently being recommended to patients by their M.D.'s. Here are some facts about that vaccine and the three chicken pox vaccines to help you make a truly informed decision about receiving it.
  • Here is a detailed reference to use to know which of the two states your autonomic (or automatic, or reflexive) nervous system is operating in. This is so important because if we're stuck in one mode- the fight, flight or flee mode, or sympathetic response - we won't be able to digest, fight off infections or heal. And if we're stuck in the other mode - the rest, recover and heal mode, or parasympathetic response - we won't be able to mount effective action and 'rise to the occasion' when we need to.
  • No doubt you have some degree of heavy metal toxicity because that's almost impossible to avoid in this world. And no doubt you have some symptoms of metal toxicity, even though it's likely you don't recognize their cause. A toxic metal burden can cause an amazing number of symptoms that seem unrelated to each other. What is yours costing you?
  • Hormone problems affect every one at every age. And because hormones are the directors of organs and cells, hormones can cause hypothyroidism, blood sugar problems, estrogen dominance, unexplained weight gain and more. Always check for this primary hidden cause of hormone problems.
  • What is a symptom and what do symptoms mean? To effectively resolve any symptom of yours, learn how to answer these two questions accurately because that will make all the difference in truly resolving them.
  • Emotional relationships - those with a strong emotional bond have the greatest emotional satisfaction. Here are ways to increase your relationship satisfaction by strengthening its emotional foundation.
  • Check these twelve symptoms to discover whether you have lactose intolerance, and if so, what you can eat and what to avoid.
  • To make your own hormones in your own body - whether they are thyroid, estrogen, testosterone, insulin, or what - you will need these three crucial elements because they are the bottom line building blocks from which all hormones are made.
  • Self defeat and self sabotage are difficult to get a handle on to change them. That's because they are largely motivated by unconscious forces. Here are some basic agreements therapists and counselors use that you can make with yourself to turn it around.
  • Cell phones are here to stay, so use the following twelve top ways to protect yourself and your children from the radiation as much as possible.
  • Bioidentical hormones are popping up all over the place, but are they safe? Here are four essential facts to protect your when considering what causes symptoms and if hormone replacement is a choice you want to make.
  • The quality, health and satisfaction of all relationships depends on attending to emotional needs. But what are they? Here are the six most basic ones.
  • Resources to feed your body, mind and spirit so you and your relationships can thrive.

To read the rest of the current Better Health Bytes issue, to access the archives and receive each new issue, sign up here.


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Note: We do not make recommendations based on any individual's specific health situation.We offer general information beneficial to anyone with health concenrs. We do not guarantee an answer to every question or request.

Tags: articles about health health articles healthier life more wellbeing subjective well being emotional wellbeing social wellbeing psychological wellbeing optimal wellness how to live a healthier life


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