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This is all within your power to achieve—if you have the right information and then act on it.

Each newsletter provides you with those leading edge facts, truths, principles and ideas that are both practical and that empower you to create a healthier life. You truly can achieve greater wellbeing in every way.

Pamela Levin 

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Toxic Mercury - Proof You Need to be ProActive

Sure, you hear about lots of ways your health is challenged. Here's why toxic mercury elimination should top your 'most important' list...

Volume V # 71 Copyright 2014 All Rights Reserved
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Ask people what they fear most about old age, and you'll hear Alzheimer's disease from almost all of them. It's a fear they are likely to sound hopeless about, too. No known cause, no known cure, progressive, eventually fatal, nothing to be done.

So, is that really true, that all those of us who don't have that diagnosis can only await our fate with our fingers crossed?

More and more scientists think not. Many are using phrases such as 'mercury exposure' and 'mercury toxic load' and 'accumulated body burden of mercury' when listing top suspected contributing factors for those who end up with an Alzheimer's diagnosis.

It's long been known that mercury is a neurotoxin (meaning toxic to nerves and nerve tissue).  The phrase 'mad as a hatter' was coined as far back as the mid 1800's when the people using mercury to make hats developed strange behaviors and mental illnesses secondary to their mercury exposure.

Perhaps you'd like to see for yourself what they are finding out about mercury. If, so  Click Here

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Note: We do not make recommendations based on any individual's specific health situation.We offer general information beneficial to anyone with health concenrs. We do not guarantee an answer to every question or request.

Tags: health tips health and wellness current health articles healthier life more wellbeing subjective well being emotional wellbeing social wellbeing


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