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Volume I, Issue 11                                       Copyright © 2011 All Rights Reserved

TAKING VITAMIN SUPPLEMENTS - the Sense and the Cents

Here's the 'sense' of it, in a sentence:  The human body is designed to run on food.  Therefore to have the best possible health, it requires the fuel it was designed to burn.  In other words: food.

To get the best mileage and performance from a car requires using the proper fuel. The human body is the same except you can't trade it in and get a new one.  That makes it even more important to give it the right fuel, to maximize its performance and its lifetime.

Knowing or sensing this, many people enhance the fuel they consume in meals with nutritional supplements.  In fact, nearly 52 percent of adult respondents in a 2007 study said they had used some type of supplement in the last 30 days.

To determine whether the cents spent on nutritional supplements actually makes sense requires a closer look. at these dietary supplements.  Here are some interesting facts about these dietary supplements.:

1. Any ingredient in a nutritional supplement that's over the minimum daily requirement is made in a laboratory and is not a whole food. In other words, it was made in a laboratory from some base chemical. Whole food nutrition only comes from foods, and foods do not contain more than the minimum daily requirement.

2. The product you buy from any    particular company is not made by that company. Instead it is sourced from another company, a 'contract manufacturer' -often located in another country. Japan, China, Germany all have these 'contract manufacturers'. Since the standards in that country are different (often lower) than those in the US, the source product used by that company can be contaminated (remember the Melamine-tainted baby formula that killed at least six children and caused some 300,000 others to become ill?) One industry insider told me privately that there are only a very few companies in the world that provide these synthetic 'vitamins' to all the various packagers.

3. The source material used in manufacture may be the wrong one or of low quality. The consumer has no way of knowing this  - and neither does the packager - because no third party testing is carried out to ensure quality of source materials.

4.  Many synthetic vitamins start out their lives as base chemicals that are toxic or can cause allergic reactions. This means that even that expensive 'good brand' dietary supplement you paid a lot of money for started out its life as coal tar or nicotine or alloxal, according to the Organic Consumer's Organization,.

5. Most synthetic vitamins contain other additives.  One class of these is called toxic 'flowing agents' such as magnesium stearate or stearic acid.  Another common additive is common sand, which appears on the label with its chemical name, 'silicon dioxide'.  Organic Consumer states the reason for this is that  it's "an expensive filler that makes the bottle weigh more with the hope that the uneducated consumer will equate weight with higher quality)".  In other words, it makes cents for the manufacturer, not sense for the consumer seeking better health.

6. A third category of additives, including those labelled  'pure' and 'natural'  are  "natural" flavors. Organic Consumer reports that this is a common term used to describe "toxic MSG (monosodium glutamate) used to disguise bland taste", methylcellulose, carnauba wax, and or titanium dioxide." 

As you can see, synthetic supplements make cents for their manufacturers and distributors, but they do not make sense for enhancing the performance and longevity of the human body, because they are not the fuel the body is designed to use.

A whole food diet and whole food supplements are what make sense.  And even though they may seem more expensive when considering purchase price only, when factoring in the ineffectiveness and toxicity of synthetics, whole food supplements actually make more cents - for you.

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The dietary supplement industry is worth $61 BILLION to the US economy - nearly three times its annual sales of $23.7 billion in 2007. Worldwide it is worth worth $50 BILLION- in US dollars, or £13.5 BILLION.   More here...

SYNTHETIC VS. WHOLE FOOD VITAMINS -Here's How to Understand The Diference

Really comprehending the difference between a nutritional supplement made from an isolated synthetic fragment in a laboratory and a whole food supplement made from actual live plants can augment your resolve to get the real thing, and can immunize you against the onslaught of slick advertisements showing incredibly healthy, good looking people involved in outdoor activities in the shining sun.

Here's a way to 'get it'. Suppose two people were identical twins and one died.

If science were to undertake a chemical analysis of those two bodies, identical twins, one dead, one alive, the chemical analysis would demonstrate no appreciable difference between the two.

However, you and I know without the help of any science at all that there is a profound difference between the two, especially in biological activity.

Currently science uses chemical analysis of molecules to assess nutritional products, and that process does not take in to account - or even notice, for that matter - the difference between something that's alive and something that's dead.

To see this difference would require a different process such as a chromatogram - an analytical technique that identifies components of a solution by means of color absorbed by filter paper,  which produces a color 'fingerprint' of the tested substance

The One Key Question You Must Ask in Choosing Your Supplements


Learning to answer this question can save you

BIG HEADACHES  - literally!

The one question you must learn to ask in choosing your supplements is:

      "Is this supplement an isolated synthetic one or whole food?"

Learning to answer this question can save you big time! Here are some key reasons why choosing a whole food supplement makes a profound, positive difference:

1. Whole food supplements contain essential food factors known by science and also factors science has yet to discover, but which nature always includes. For example, one B vitamin (B4) is officially 'known' in Great Britain but 'unknown' in the US.

2. Ingesting
one isolated part of a vitamin requires the body to borrow the other missing factors from is own stores, thus creating a deficiency in those borrowed factors over time.

3. Without the
trace mineral activators found in whole food vitamins, the vitamin fails in its metabolic function.

4. Synthetic vitamins are extracted and fractionated. Their isolated chemical fragments are
dead chemical models of living foods.

5. Synthetic vitamins can prevent death but not promote life.
Whole food supplements, as living food, promote life.

6. Ingestion of synthetic vitamins removes the body's choice and requires it to process this chemical somehow.  Every synthetic vitamin is treated as a toxin and has to undergo a detoxification process in the liver.  That processing can lead to chemical imbalances or toxic overdoses, particularly when fat soluble vitamins are involved, as these can build up in the fat cells and liver.
NOTE: The reason studies keep demonstrating that supplements are 'no better than a placebo' is because the studies are carried out with synthetic fractions of
whole foods instead of supplements
made from
whole foods!


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